West40's Truancy Outreach Advocacy Program strives to improve students’ attendance and increase graduation rates. Truancy continues to be a challenge in the State of Illinois, and the pandemic has only exacerbated the issue. For students to learn and reach their full potential in school, they must be actively engaged in the learning process. Building on our organization’s research and experiential knowledge of student advocacy, our Program is focused on providing guidance and mentoring rather than reprimand and directive. The Truancy team is focused on building relationships with students and their families, in an effort to identify the root cause of negative attendance patterns. We address the negative pattern by providing resources and solutions to the barriers preventing attendance. While one focus is the short-term goal of getting students to attend and re-engage in school, another focus is on working with school staff and families to boost the long-term success of every student. In every aspect of our work with students, families, and school staff, we strive to live the core tenets of Our Mission: to meet you where you are, be what you need, to walk further with you, and to stand strong with you.
West40 Truancy Outreach does not take a punitive approach, but may send out a letter stating the case law (below), if deemed fit. Our main goal is to identify the barrier(s), provide resources and assistance to remove or lessen the barrier and then connect the student/family with a contact person in the school building who can provide continued support.

In Illinois, Truancy is defined as being absent from school nine or more days (5%) of the previous 180 school days without a valid excuse. These absences are unexcused only. Alternatively, Chronic Absenteeism is defined as being absent 18 or more days (10%) of the school year for ANY reason - excused absences, unexcused absences, suspension, medical leave, etc.
Nine (9) or more unexcused absences is considered to be a violation of the Illinois Truancy Statute 105 ILCS 5/261-10. Parents and guardians are responsible for your child’s school attendance and you could be charged with a class “C” misdemeanor for not having your child in school. If found guilty, you could be fined up to $500 per month and/or face 30 days in jail.
The Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 105, Section 5/26-1, provide that any person having custody/control of a child who is between the ages of 6-17, shall have the child attend the public school in the district wherein he/she resides when it is in session during the regular school term unless he/she is enrolled in a private school or excused by:
1. Certification of a physical or mental disability from a competent physician
2. An official of the school which he/she attends.

West40 currently provides Truancy Outreach Services to Districts 89, 209 and 401. However, we are able to provide limited support to West40 region schools as needed. This support should be viewed as triage support. We reach out to the families and attempt to remove the barriers that are immediately preventing school attendance as well as provide resources, when necessary. We do not take a punitive approach, but may send out a letter stating the case law (below), if deemed fit. Our main goal is to identify the barrier(s), provide resources and assistance to remove or lessen the barrier and then connect the student/family with a contact person in the school building who can provide continued support.
Please complete a referral form (below) for any truant student in grades K-12. Upon receipt of the referral, West40 Truancy Outreach Services will assist with identifying ways to address common barriers including, but not limited to poor attendance due to health, academic and/or social struggles, bullying, lack of school engagement, poor school experience, misconceptions of the school attendance policy, and trauma. West40 Truancy Outreach Services will help address absences with positive and proactive strategies.

The West40 Truancy Outreach Team
Nancy Debre, LCPC
Director of Truancy Outreach and Teen Parent Services
District 89
Martha Ramirez
Irving and Stevenson Middle School Truancy Outreach Advocate
District 209
Nakia Reeves Karin Alvarez
Proviso West Truancy Outreach Advocate Proviso East Truancy Outreach Advocate
nreeves@west40.org kalvarez@west40.org
708.990.8084 708.240.1717
District 401
Stephanie Pickett
Elmwood Park CUSD 401 Truancy Outreach Advocate
Ayana Owens
Elmwood Park CUSD 401 Truancy Outreach Advocate
Willie Reedus
Elmwood Park CUSD 401 Truancy Outreach Advocate
Alfredo Zamaniego
Elmwood Park CUSD 401 Truancy Outreach Advocate